Sunday, 22 March 2015

Down Right Fight 2015

On March 21st 2015 there was a huge tournament at Sheridan in Oakville at the Trafalgar campus. This tournament had a various amount competitive games. The main games at the event was Ultra Street Fighter 4, Guilty Gear Xrd and Super Smash Bros Melee 1v1. And with these 3 games there was a add $100 pot bonus to each of those games. Now with a 10$ entry fee for each of these games the pot sizes were high. Among these 3 games there were other games with a $5 entry fee. Those games were: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Super Smash Bros Melee 2v2, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, Project M, and Super Smash Bros Wii U
Now the tournament itself was pretty disorganized. I entered Melee singles, Melee doubles, and Project M. Don’t get me wrong the tournament was a really fun time and I had a good time as well as my friends who entered except for you know… 2 of the tournament’s being canceled. That is what brings me to say this tournament was disorganize. Melee singles was supposed to start at 1 PM pools didn’t even start until 2:30pm and that wasn’t even the bracket tournament. The legit tournament roughly started at maybe 5 or earlier I wasn’t too sure of the time but it was just off schedule. What made me really upset about the whole tournament itself was that they disqualified one of the top players in Marvel Vs Capcom because of their own timing faults. While he was playing his Melee Matches they called for him only twice in which I told them he was playing a match in Melee and it will only take 5-10 minutes. They ended up disqualifying him as soon as I went upstairs to tell him to hurry the match up. He got his money back after having an argument with the TO’s but they said to him to only enter 1 tournament next time. Why even give the option to enter all then?

So with Project M being canceled which really did suck because I had the chance to possible make top 8. They canceled it near the end of the Project M bracket. Causing the pay out of the money to the people who were still in the tournament. Which doesn't sound too bad for me. I won $10 but my friends who would have placed 1st and 2nd got ripped off only got paid $30. Melee Doubles got canceled in which that tournament didn’t even happen.

Through all of this happening Melee Singles is still going on going straight to 9:50PM and its Losers Finals and there’s only 3 players left in the whole tournament. They sit down to play the match but the thing is the power was going to cut out at 10 PM. So they couldn’t even finish their set. Bright side though that the top 3 were paid out. The player who was going to be in grand finals got paid $400 and my friend who I believe would have taken 1st if the matches got played out got $200. Still a large amount of money but it could have been more.

I do believe this tournament was run really well from the Super Smash Bros TO's, They were doing the best they could with an influx of entrants which wasnt predicted. It was really just the timing of everything and I’m assuming they didn’t account for Melee to have over 80 entrants. Which far surpassed any of the other tournaments that wasn’t Melee and Project M. But thankfully for the next tournament they will have a dedicated tournament just for Smash in which I’m thoroughly excited for. All I know is that I got made $10 so overall I’m very happy.

The Last of Us Cinematic Play Through

So I came across this really cool play through of the last of us. For those who haven’t gotten a chance to play if you’re able to it’s a definite must play game. It’s visually beautiful and the game play is very great. Oh and not to mention how great the story is.  The first time I played this game didn’t think it was going to live up to the hype I have heard so much about but dam did it ever live up to it.

For those who know nothing about The Last of Us, which is such a great game. It’s about a man named Joel who was tasked with transporting this little girl to another city that is so far from where they are originally from. But the thing is that the whole world has gone to shit. There was an outbreak of a virus which made people into hyper aggressive creatures who eat and devour anything. You can say they are zombies but once you see them you can tell they really aren't. So the Last of Us is a story about this name and little girl how they start off not really liking each other but growing into more of family and begin protecting and caring for each other while going through how awful the world has become. From trying to survive day to day life, from not being killed by these monsters and even not being murdered by their fellow survivors

The cinematic play through is basically the games cinematics as well as cuts of the game play the game play that at least matters, all in to one video. It’s basically like watching a TV show but it’s just animated. You get to watch what happens, and how the story progresses without having to watch boring redundant game play to which a viewer who has never played or seen any of this game really appreciate how the game works and flows. You get a real sense of the whole atmosphere without having to ever play the game. If you can get a chance it’s a definite watch for those who haven’t played the game. The series is still being put out and you can watch the first episode here

Final Fantasy Type-o and Final Fantasy 15 Demo

A game in which I knew almost nothing about but from the trailers and gameplay I have seen has looked amazing. The game in which I’m talking about it Final Fantasy Type-0. The reason why I knew nothing about this game is because it’s actually been out since 2011. But it was only made in Japan on the PlayStation Portable and was not ever going to be released in other regions.

Now this game isn’t like much of the other final fantasy games except for maybe Crisis Core: Final fantasy 7. The reasoning behind that is that isn’t turn based or time based like previous final fantasy games. This game kind of blindsided me to be honest. I found out about it maybe 3 days before it was going to come out and the game looked amazing. The game was made on the PSP back in 2011 but now it’s being remade is glorious HD on the PS4. Now the game itself looks beautiful and looks really engaging.

So I haven’t gotten a chance to actually pick this game up due to school and me being boarder line broke at the moment but I’m definitely going to be buying this sometime soon.

BUT by far the past part about this release in my opinion isn’t even the game itself. Though I really am excited to play this game I’m even more excited to play the demo that is attached to the game. The demo only being roughly 3 hours and to me this demo will outshine the actual game. The demo that will be available when buying the game is final Fantasy 15! Like one of my post prior I have expressed my utter anticipation for this game over and over again. Funniest thing i found about this demo is that its being sold online from anywhere from $25 to 65$. So I haven’t gotten too much time to actually look at the demo mostly because I’m having an inner debate on whether I want to either watch people play the demo, play the demo myself, or just dodge the demo entirely and wait for the full game. Ugh the choices…

Survival Horror Genre

When thinking about how I felt about the The Evil Within and it being considered a survival horror game. I want to agree that is a survival horror game but at the same time I don’t think it is. Now when I say that I say it from the first time I played through the game. After the first few chapters the fear of being killed and the scarce amount of bullets didn’t really matter to me at the point. I knew in any situation I was in, in that game I had several options in which guaranteed my survival and not making me really scared more so tense about getting hit but never dyeing. The reason why I do agree that it’s a survival horror is just the absolute difficulty the hardest difficulty provides making you rethink all the strategies you have had before.

 Now with the fear out of the way from the game I wasn’t even scared it was just the enjoyment of the game and story, but to me what made it the “survival horror” experience cheapen is that by the end of the game there’s monsters with guns. And to me it just makes the monsters and creatures/humanoid beings not that scary at all. And not just in The Evil Within. Another survival horror game which to personally nailed it was Dead Space. That game made you feel like you were never safe that at any moment you’re going to die a slow and painful death. Even with the Sequel it still felt like survival horror but toned down compared to the first one. Then comes the dreaded 3rd sequel Dead Space 3. Now to me for people to say this game is survival horror but this game is a so far from the idea of survival horror. With a lot of the enemies having guns and the game feeling like it’s a discount call of duty.

Now about survival horror as a whole I think it’s been on an incline for the past few years. With games like Outlast and the demo for Silent Hills; PT now those games are what I have considered to be survival horror. I think as a genre on console gaming’s it’s a dying breed but on PC there’s a bunch of great survival horror on there. But as for console gaming I feel like survival horror is just not there for the masses. And is slowly becoming a niche market in which kind of saddens me.

Such frustration for one platinum trophy

As some of my friends know about me is that I enjoy getting every trophy in a game to get a platinum trophy. Now I have had friends who rip on me for saying it’s a waste of time and there really is no point in getting all the trophies at all. But to me I found it fun and challenging. As well as with the increase cost of games and me wanting to get the most out of the games I play and buy I feel like I may as well put in 100% effort in to doing everything that there is to possibly to do in getting a platinum.

Now I know there are those games that are basically impossible to platinum and to do some would take over 400hrs or more and a bunch of replays just to get trophies. I don’t like those kinds of games. The games I choose to platinum are the ones that I really do like and are in the realm of possibility to even fully complete.

OKAY! Sooo the game that I found to be the hardest platinum trophy to get is for the survival horror game “The Evil Within” now I have played games where it has taken me over 60hrs to get a platinum trophy but it was fun and simple. Here is a short trailer about The Evil Within

with the Evil Within it required 3 play through, which isn't so bad, Just had to speed run the game in under 5hours which I completed in less the 4 hours and just beating the game one a difficulty and getting every collectible and miscellaneous trophy which was kind of hard but was still do able. Managed to get every trophy I needed in about 28 hours. Which isn't so bad considering I really did love the game and I didn't want to put it down. Now you see those 28 hours of playing did not prepare me for the very last play through which required me to play on the hardest difficulty.

Now when I say I wasn’t prepared I truly do mean it. I felt mentally unprepared for all the frustration that was coming my way. In the hardest difficulty I already knew and understood that everything will one hit you and die and you will have to restart at the last check point. Which isn’t so bad. BUT what was so incredibly hard was that there was a bunch of enemies in places that they were never there before. On top of that there was next to no ammo. And due to having no ammo you can still stealth kill almost every enemy. BUT NOPE. Stealth felt basically broken. It felt like it would not work that way it was designed and I was constantly being spotted. And oh did I mention. All the enemies have double the health as well as being even faster than they were before.

That was just the tip of the ice berg for this dam game. There was traps placed everywhere in which there wasn’t before. I had memorized the game during my first couple of play throughs so I knew what wasn’t there and god dam there was so much traps in which never existed previously. See this is all just basic stuff which made me frustrated but there are chapters that are soul shattering. In the 6th chapter of the game you have to fight against 2 waves of enemies and it based on a timer. There’s no check point in-between. So I had to be perfect during both waves. This one single part of the game had me stuck for over 8 WHOLE HOURS. Yeah I was dyeing over and over again. I would spawn and hope I would get an axe thrown in my face and instantly die after a load screen which felt like for ever

I don’t even want to go into how much more this game mad me angry and how long I was stuck at different points in the game but thankfully I beat the dam game and got a platinum trophy. My final clear time was a joke. I beat the game in roughly 32 hours with over 750 deaths. But I did it and dam I couldn’t be more happier

So much disrespect in one Set

The leffen vs Chillindude rivalry has been around for some time with Chillendude claiming that Leffen is just a trash player with not much skill. while Leffen has been saying that Chillin is a has been that has been in the smash community for a better part of his life and has yet to even place 1st at any major event. Leffen has been saying he’s a has been who somehow got sponsored through sheer luck .Both Leffen and Chillendude are both Fox mains and are both pretty dam amazing Fox players. But Leffen has been known to be able to beat the top 5 players in Melee in various major events.

So this is where the money match takes place at Apex 2015 with $100 dollars on the line and the loser
will never be able to use the default fox color skin in which both payers use in tournaments. So this
set is kind of strange at first I thought it was best 3 out of 5 which is the standard in a grand finals set
but this match was a first to 5 wins. At Big House 4 ( a big tournament was being held weeks prior to
Apex) Leffen said he was going to easily 5-0 Chillen and it will be so easy.
The reason why I say there is so much disrespect in one set is because of all the gestures that Leffen
does to chilling let alone Leffen does 5-0 Chillin with what looked like ease with all of Leffens
laughter during the games. Even to which I found to be disrespectful is when Chillin SD’d Leffen
patted him on the back and continued to laugh and then after he had a chance to recover back on stage
but chose SD himself.

      With what I said previously Leffen did 5-0 Chillen and won that match but something just as 
excitinghappened afterwards after the set. It was when Mango (one of the top players in smash) said
that ifLeffen and he met in bracket they were going to place $1000 dollars on the match. And it
happened.Leffen and Mango met in bracket but it was a very close match at each game but
Leffen managed tobeat Mango 3-0. Unfortunately Leffen didn’t manage to win all of Apex but he
managed to come 3rdand making somewhere in the low $3000’s