Sunday 22 March 2015

Final Fantasy Type-o and Final Fantasy 15 Demo

A game in which I knew almost nothing about but from the trailers and gameplay I have seen has looked amazing. The game in which I’m talking about it Final Fantasy Type-0. The reason why I knew nothing about this game is because it’s actually been out since 2011. But it was only made in Japan on the PlayStation Portable and was not ever going to be released in other regions.

Now this game isn’t like much of the other final fantasy games except for maybe Crisis Core: Final fantasy 7. The reasoning behind that is that isn’t turn based or time based like previous final fantasy games. This game kind of blindsided me to be honest. I found out about it maybe 3 days before it was going to come out and the game looked amazing. The game was made on the PSP back in 2011 but now it’s being remade is glorious HD on the PS4. Now the game itself looks beautiful and looks really engaging.

So I haven’t gotten a chance to actually pick this game up due to school and me being boarder line broke at the moment but I’m definitely going to be buying this sometime soon.

BUT by far the past part about this release in my opinion isn’t even the game itself. Though I really am excited to play this game I’m even more excited to play the demo that is attached to the game. The demo only being roughly 3 hours and to me this demo will outshine the actual game. The demo that will be available when buying the game is final Fantasy 15! Like one of my post prior I have expressed my utter anticipation for this game over and over again. Funniest thing i found about this demo is that its being sold online from anywhere from $25 to 65$. So I haven’t gotten too much time to actually look at the demo mostly because I’m having an inner debate on whether I want to either watch people play the demo, play the demo myself, or just dodge the demo entirely and wait for the full game. Ugh the choices…