Sunday, 1 February 2015

Apex Money Matches

With Apex still going on this weekend (January 29th - Feb 1st) there are going to be some amazing sets in Super Smash Bros Melee. Even though there was some issues with the venue on Friday which made the matches on Friday be canceled because apparently the venue didn’t have the proper permits (electrical and amount of people) permits to be having hundred of TVs and Gaming consoles plugged in simultaneously. This problem was quickly solved and they found a new venue for the tournament to be played in. All of these money matches were roughly in-between $100-$300 and that’s not including side bets from other players who are watching.

But that’s not what we’re talking about here. We’re talking about the money matches that were played on the Saturday (January 31st) featuring Kage the Warrior vs. BizzarroFlame. This set was going to be amazing due to the fact these 2 players are the 2 best Gannondorf players in the world right now but unfortunately Canada’s very own Kage the Warrior couldn’t make it out to Apex due to unforeseen illness that was going to impact his game play. So Eikelmann will be taking his spot in this Best of 3 matches. I don’t want to spoil too much but BizzarroFlame is too good. I think if Kage was there it would have been a better set but there’s always EVO 2015.

 Colbol vs. Westballz is the next match that was going to happen with as Fox (Colbol) and Falco (Westballz). Colbol has been talking a lot of trash to Westballz in the past few months saying that Westballz wasn’t even going to take a game off him. That Westballz is a joke and not even a decent Falco main. Westballz didn’t really say much in the pre game interview. The full set was pretty definitive with Westballz just dominating Colbol with his amazing Falco play. Safe to say that it was a 3-0 victory for Westballz completely destroying Colbol. Even after losing Colbol still didn’t give the respect Westballz deserved after beating him saying “he’s alright” not even sounding sincere.

The next match is Axe vs Silentwolf. This set has a lot of history seeing as how Axe 4 stocked Silent wolf in Evo 2014 in under a min. 56 seconds to be exact. This is a huge thing seeing as how Axe is the one of the only people who main Pikachu and Pikachu being considered low tier which people can say that Pikachu is pretty much not as good as some of the other characters. With the pre game talking Axe wasn’t even worried about the match sitting there just chilling with his shades on and not really caring to much. While Silent wolf said he would 4 stock him during the match. The was an amazing kill during game 3. The game went in favor of Axe in game 4 with a nail biting 1 stock vs 1 stock which could have been any ones game.

 This has been a set in which people have been waiting to see for years. PC Chris (Falco) vs Ken, the king of smash (Marth). This has been a anticipated match for a very long time pitting the King of smash Ken who dominated the competitive scene for a numerous amount of years and PC Chris who was pretty much the only person in that time to beat him and take champion ship titles off him. In game one with every one surprise PC Chris went Fox? After losing against Kens Marth which was considered the best Marth and best overall player in 2002-2007 in game one against Pc Chris’ Fox the crowd cheered and chanted for the switch to his main (Falco) he finally switched to his main and the crowd went wild. I don’t want to spoil too much of this timeless set.

You can watch full 2 hour long recording of the matches right here